Title: Subject-oriented finite fault inversion: do you need a reason to burn CPUs?
Presenter: Prof. JI Chen
Institution: University of California, Santa Barbara
Time: 20180405-16:00:00
Location: Room 2829, No. 2 Science Building.
B.S.,Peking University, Beijing, 1991.
M.S., Institute of Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Science, 1994.
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, 2002.
Research focuses on exploring the physical processes of large earthquakes with various modern geophysical observations, such as broadband seismograms, high-rate GPS, and radar interferometry.
Current research interests:
Developing real-time finite fault inversion systems to quickly evaluate the catastrophic tragedies caused by large shallow earthquakes in regional and teleseismic distances.
Globally surveying the seismic nucleation phases of great earthquakes
Analyzing the uncertainties associated with the source models of large earthquakes
Capturing the "early" post-seismic deformation following the large earthquakes by joint inverting the seismic and geodetic data